- brickset::legosetsLego sets from 1970 through 2024.
- likert::MathAnxietyPre-summarized results from an administration of the Math Anxiety Scale Survey.
- likert::MathAnxietyGenderPre-summarized results from an administration of the Math Anxiety Scale Survey grouped by gender.
- likert::gapFictitious dataset with importance and satisfaction results across five different offices.
- likert::massResults from an administration of the Math Anxiety Scale Survey.
- likert::pisaitemsProgramme of International Student Assessment
- likert::sasrResults from the Survey of Academic Self-Regulation (SASR).
- multilevelPSA::pisa.colnamesMapping of variables in 'pisana' with full descriptions.
- multilevelPSA::pisa.countriesData frame mapping PISA countries to their three letter abbreviation.
- multilevelPSA::pisa.psa.colsCharacter vector representing the list of covariates used for estimating propensity scores.
- multilevelPSA::pisanaNorth American (i.e. Canada, Mexico, and United States) student results of the 2009 Programme of International Student Assessment.
- PSAboot::pisa.psa.colsCharacter vector representing the list of covariates used for estimating propensity scores.
- PSAboot::pisaluxProgramme of International Student Assessment (PISA) results from the Luxembourg in 2009.
- PSAboot::pisausaProgramme of International Student Assessment (PISA) results from the United States in 2009.
- PSAgraphics::lindnerData on 996 initial Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCIs) performed in 1997 at the Lindner Center, Christ Hospital, Cincinnati.
- TriMatch::nmesResults from the 1987 National Medical Expenditure Study
- TriMatch::tutoringResults from a study examining the effects of tutoring services on course grades.