{"Gender":"Female","I find math interesting.":"Disagree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Strongly Agree","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Neutral","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Agree","Math relates to my life.":"Disagree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Agree","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Agree","I find math challenging.":"Strongly Agree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Strongly Agree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Strongly Agree","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Strongly Disagree","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Agree"} {"Gender":"Female","I find math interesting.":"Strongly Agree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Strongly Disagree","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Strongly Agree","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Strongly Disagree","Math relates to my life.":"Agree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Strongly Disagree","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Strongly Disagree","I find math challenging.":"Strongly Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Strongly Disagree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Strongly Disagree","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Agree","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Strongly Disagree"} {"Gender":"Male","I find math interesting.":"Strongly Agree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Strongly Disagree","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Strongly Agree","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Disagree","Math relates to my life.":"Agree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Disagree","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Disagree","I find math challenging.":"Neutral","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Disagree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Disagree","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Neutral","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Neutral","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Disagree"} {"Gender":"Female","I find math interesting.":"Agree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Agree","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Strongly Agree","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Disagree","Math relates to my life.":"Agree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Neutral","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Neutral","I find math challenging.":"Neutral","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Disagree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Neutral","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Disagree","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Neutral","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Neutral","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Neutral"} {"Gender":"Female","I find math interesting.":"Agree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Strongly Agree","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Strongly Agree","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Neutral","Math relates to my life.":"Neutral","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Neutral","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Agree","I find math challenging.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Agree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Strongly Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Agree","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Strongly Disagree","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Agree"} {"Gender":"Female","I find math interesting.":"Strongly Agree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Disagree","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Strongly Agree","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Strongly Disagree","Math relates to my life.":"Strongly Agree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Strongly Disagree","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Strongly Disagree","I find math challenging.":"Strongly Agree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Disagree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Neutral","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Disagree","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Agree","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Strongly Disagree"} {"Gender":"Female","I find math interesting.":"Agree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Disagree","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Strongly Agree","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Strongly Disagree","Math relates to my life.":"Strongly Agree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Disagree","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Strongly Disagree","I find math challenging.":"Neutral","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Strongly Disagree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Strongly Disagree","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Agree","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Disagree"} {"Gender":"Female","I find math interesting.":"Agree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Agree","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Strongly Agree","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Neutral","Math relates to my life.":"Agree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Strongly Agree","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Agree","I find math challenging.":"Strongly Agree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Agree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Neutral","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Agree","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Disagree","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Neutral","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Agree"} {"Gender":"Female","I find math interesting.":"Strongly Agree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Agree","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Strongly Agree","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Disagree","Math relates to my life.":"Disagree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Agree","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Agree","I find math challenging.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Agree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Neutral","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Agree","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Neutral","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Neutral","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Disagree"} {"Gender":"Female","I find math interesting.":"Strongly Disagree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Strongly Agree","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Neutral","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Strongly Agree","Math relates to my life.":"Disagree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Strongly Agree","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Strongly Agree","I find math challenging.":"Strongly Agree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Strongly Agree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Strongly Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Strongly Agree","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Strongly Disagree","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Strongly Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Strongly Agree"} {"Gender":"Female","I find math interesting.":"Neutral","I get uptight during math tests.":"Disagree","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Agree","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Neutral","Math relates to my life.":"Agree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Agree","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Neutral","I find math challenging.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Neutral","I would like to take more math classes.":"Strongly Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Neutral","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Strongly Disagree","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Strongly Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Agree"} {"Gender":"Female","I find math interesting.":"Agree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Agree","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Neutral","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Disagree","Math relates to my life.":"Neutral","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Neutral","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Neutral","I find math challenging.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Neutral","I would like to take more math classes.":"Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Neutral","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Disagree","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Agree"} {"Gender":"Male","I find math interesting.":"Agree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Disagree","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Strongly Agree","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Strongly Disagree","Math relates to my life.":"Strongly Agree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Strongly Disagree","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Strongly Disagree","I find math challenging.":"Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Strongly Disagree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Strongly Disagree","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Agree","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Strongly Disagree"} {"Gender":"Female","I find math interesting.":"Strongly Disagree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Strongly Agree","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Neutral","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Strongly Agree","Math relates to my life.":"Disagree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Agree","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Strongly Disagree","I find math challenging.":"Strongly Agree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Strongly Agree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Strongly Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Strongly Agree","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Strongly Disagree","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Strongly Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Strongly Agree"} {"Gender":"Male","I find math interesting.":"Strongly Agree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Neutral","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Agree","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Disagree","Math relates to my life.":"Agree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Strongly Disagree","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Strongly Disagree","I find math challenging.":"Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Strongly Disagree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Strongly Agree","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Strongly Disagree","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Strongly Agree","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Strongly Agree","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Disagree"} {"Gender":"Female","I find math interesting.":"Disagree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Agree","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Strongly Agree","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Disagree","Math relates to my life.":"Strongly Agree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Neutral","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Agree","I find math challenging.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Neutral","I would like to take more math classes.":"Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Neutral","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Strongly Disagree","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Agree"} {"Gender":"Male","I find math interesting.":"Disagree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Neutral","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Agree","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Agree","Math relates to my life.":"Agree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Agree","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Agree","I find math challenging.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Agree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Agree","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Disagree","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Disagree","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Strongly Agree"} {"Gender":"Male","I find math interesting.":"Agree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Neutral","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Agree","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Strongly Disagree","Math relates to my life.":"Agree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Disagree","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Disagree","I find math challenging.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Disagree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Neutral","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Neutral","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Neutral","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Neutral","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Neutral"} {"Gender":"Female","I find math interesting.":"Neutral","I get uptight during math tests.":"Strongly Agree","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Agree","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Strongly Agree","Math relates to my life.":"Strongly Disagree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Agree","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Agree","I find math challenging.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Agree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Neutral","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Agree","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Strongly Disagree","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Neutral","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Agree"} {"Gender":"Male","I find math interesting.":"Strongly Agree","I get uptight during math tests.":"Neutral","I think that I will use math in the future.":"Strongly Agree","Mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing my math test.":"Strongly Disagree","Math relates to my life.":"Strongly Agree","I worry about my ability to solve math problems.":"Disagree","I get a sinking feeling when I try to do math problems.":"Strongly Disagree","I find math challenging.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel nervous.":"Disagree","I would like to take more math classes.":"Agree","Mathematics makes me feel uneasy.":"Strongly Disagree","Math is one of my favorite subjects.":"Neutral","I enjoy learning with mathematics.":"Strongly Agree","Mathematics makes me feel confused.":"Neutral"}