TriMatch 0.9.9 (2017-12-05)
- Fixed issue where would cause a conflict with the base function of the same
name. A new function,, wraps the non-exported version of
TriMatch 0.9.8
- Added tmatch parameter to the multibalance.plot function that will limit the balance estimates to
only the units that have been matched.
- Added method parameter to trips function and implemented random forests as an alternative method
for calculating propensity scores.
TriMatch 0.9.7 (2016-02-26)
- Update for new version of ggplot2
TriMatch 0.9.6 (2015-12-15)
- Fixed bug with the triangle plot. Exported utility functions to be visible.
TriMatch 0.9.5
- Updates for version 2.0 of ggplot2.
TriMatch 0.9.4 (2015-04-08)
- Fixes issues to pass current CRAN checks.
TriMatch 0.9.3
- Added new one-to-one-to-one demo to show how to post process the resutls of trimatch.
TriMatch 0.9.2
- Fix a bug in OneToN function that would return duplicate treatment 2 units when
M1=1 and M2=1.
TriMatch 0.9.1 (2013-09-20)
- Fixes to pass new warnings from R CMD check.
TriMatch 0.9 (2013-07-05)
- Initial version of the TriMtach package release on July 5, 2013.
- Project is hosted on Github. More information at
- See the package vignette for an introduction as well as the demos.